Class AuthorizationChallengeEndpoint

  • @Path("/authorization_challenge")
    public class AuthorizationChallengeEndpoint
    extends Object
    The authorization challenge endpoint is a new endpoint defined by "OAuth 2.0 for First-Party Native Applications" specification which the native application uses to obtain an authorization code. The endpoint accepts the authorization request parameters defined in [RFC6749] for the authorization endpoint as well as all applicable extensions defined for the authorization endpoint. Some examples of such extensions include Proof Key for Code Exchange (PKCE) [RFC7636], Resource Indicators [RFC8707], and OpenID Connect [OpenID]. It is important to note that some extension parameters have meaning in a web context but don't have meaning in a native mechanism (e.g. response_mode=query).
    Yuriy Z
    • Constructor Detail

      • AuthorizationChallengeEndpoint

        public AuthorizationChallengeEndpoint()
    • Method Detail

      • requestAuthorizationPost

        public requestAuthorizationPost​(@FormParam("client_id")
                                                                    String clientId,
                                                                    String scope,
                                                                    String acrValues,
                                                                    String deviceSession,
                                                                    String useDeviceSession,
                                                                    String prompt,
                                                                    String state,
                                                                    String nonce,
                                                                    String codeChallenge,
                                                                    String codeChallengeMethod,
                                                                    String authorizationDetails,
                                                                    jakarta.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest httpRequest,
                                                                    jakarta.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse httpResponse)